I |
Call to order at 6:30 p.m. |
II |
Public Hearing(s) |
A. |
General Assistance Amendments |
Minutes |
A. |
Approval of minutes from June 4, 2012 meeting. |
IV |
Appointments & Recognitions |
A. |
Approve Appointment of Marie Robbins as Summer Seasonal Recycling Attendant at an hourly rate of $12, effective June 19, 2012 |
B. |
Approve Appointment of Jarod Mitchell as Summer Seasonal Building & Grounds Helper at an hourly rate of $12, effective June 19, 2012 |
C. |
Harbor House thanks Mount Desert Police Department for participation in Touch A Truck event |
D. |
Camp Beech Cliff thank you and invitation |
E. |
Praise for Assessor Avila and Treasurer Mahar regarding reduced mil rate |
V |
Consent Agenda (These items are considered routine, and therefore, may be passed by the Selectmen in one blanket motion. Board members may remove any item for discussion by requesting such action prior to consideration of that portion of the agenda.) |
A. |
Annual Town Meeting Minutes May 7 & 8, 2012 |
B. |
Department Head Reports: Code Enforcement, Public Works, Wastewater Treatment, Financials, Assessing |
C. |
Marina Revenue update |
D. |
Tyler Technologies/Munis software update |
E. |
Comprehensive Plan letter of consistency finding from State Planning Office |
VI |
Selectmen’s Reports |
Old Business |
A. |
Planning Capacity for Mount Desert, including placing of kiosks |
B. |
ULI/TAP copy of presentation |
C. |
Septic Pumping and Disposal Bid policy as it relates to Rural Wastewater Treatment Support Program |
D. |
Seal Harbor Sidewalk Project Funding |
E. |
Citizen request for discussion re mooring late fee assessment |
New Business |
A. |
Plow Truck and Equipment bid results, award and authorize purchase |
B. |
DOT Salt bid results, award and authorize participation |
C. |
Town Paving bid results, award and authorize contract |
D. |
Town Office addition bid results, award and authorize contract |
E. |
Fire Chief request to purchase 20 Scott SCBAs, authorization not to exceed $110,000 |
F. |
Fire Chief request to purchase 2 Holmatro pumps and 2 Holmatro hydraulic cutters, authorization not to exceed $25,000 |
G. |
Fire Chief request to participate in Junior Firefighter Academy collaboration with Camp Beech Cliff July 23 – 27, 2012, authorization |
H. |
Fire Chief request to sell 1988 White/GMC tanker fire truck to Palmetto Fire Sales & Equipment for $28,000 as approved by the Inhabitants of the Town of Mount Desert at Special Town Meeting June 11, 2012, authorization |
I. |
Fire Chief request for discussion re post-response letters to residents receiving Fire Department services |
J. |
Treasurer recommendation for June 30, 2012 warrant |
K. |
Treasurer recommendation re budgeting of Tax Collector wages |
L. |
Fuel Oil bid results, award and authorize participation |
M. |
Such other business as may be legally conducted |
IX |
Committee Meeting Reports |
A. |
None |
X |
Treasurer’s Warrants |
A. |
Approve Treasurer’s Warrant #150 in the amount of $734,802.05 |
XI |
Executive Session |
A. |
None |
Adjournment |
The next regularly scheduled meeting is at 6:30 p.m., Monday, July 2, 2012 in the Meeting Room, Town Hall, Northeast Harbor |